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『AFRO PUNK 2017 DAY 2』 写真集


Photographs of fashion people with afro-punk style! Valuable photographs with powerful impact that will last forever!


AUG 27, 2017

Day 2, seemed to be bit chilled than Day 1 yet still had a long queue on entrance which proves how popular the festival was. People who also came on day 1 and who first came to the festival on day 2 all assembled with their unique and impactful styles.

PROTOJE, a Jamaican raggae artist, showed a wonderful live show for an afternoon stage and popular DJs at the backyard made the fierce night!




2017 AUG 27







Page 50p

Size 20.5x20.5(cm) / 8x8(inch)

Brooklyn, New York



⭕️Mari J Brooklyn NYC BIO 

Photographer / Writer / Creative Director


Debut in New York as a street photographer. Worked with hiphop artists such as Joey Badass, Travis Scott and Reggae artists such as CHRONIXX for their magazine cover as a creative director.

Currently a chief editor of TOKYO + NEWYORK MAGAZINE, an online magazine introducing sub-cultures in New York and Tokyo regarding to black music artists, artworks and fashion shows.




ストリートフォトグラファーとして、ニューヨークでデビュー。その後、Joey Badass や Travis Scott などのヒップホップアーティストやCHRONIXX などのレゲエアーティストも雑誌の表紙など手がけ、クリエイティブディレクターとして活動。


現在、ブラックミュージック、アート、ファッションなど、ニューヨークと東京のサブカルをフューチャーしたオンラインマガジンTOKYO +NEWYORK MAGAZINE 編集長 

『AFRO PUNK 2017 DAY 2』 写真集

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