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breaking dancer battle ”Red Bull BC One”

執筆者の写真: TO+NY MagazineTO+NY Magazine

ブレイキンダンサーなら一度は憧れるRed Bull BC Oneが今年はNYで開催された。

開催された会場とは別にライブストリーミング会場があり世界一のブレイキンダンサーが決まる瞬間を仲間と見ようと多くのダンサー含め観客が集まり、結果は男子がVictor(アメリカ) 、女子はIndia(オランダ)の優勝。


Photo and text Melo

Red Bull BC One was held in New York this year, which every breaking dancer dreamed of.

In addition to the venue where the event was held, there was a live streaming venue, and many dancers gathered to watch the moment the world's best breaking dancer was decided.

Outside of the streaming time, there was a scene where the MC and breaking dancers in the audience excited the venue, and the venue was filled with loud cheers.





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